TPA in new office in Katowice

12. February 2024 | Reading Time: 3 Min

At the beginning of February this year, TPA Poland moved to a new office in Katowice, Poland. The change is related to the company’s steadily growing workforce, which has increased by almost 10% in 2023 alone, and by 50% in the Upper Silesia region alone. TPA Poland’s new headquarters is located in one of the most modern office buildings in Katowice – DL Tower – located at 138 A Korfantego Avenue and managed by DL Invest Group. Space in the new office will be found for nearly 40 employees who currently represent the company in the Upper Silesia region. The company, across all its brands, currently employs nearly 400 people and has 3 offices with a total area of nearly 3,800 square meters in Warsaw, Poznan and Katowice.


New office new opportunities

TPA Poland employees will now occupy 225 square meters, located on the 4th floor of DL Tower Katowice. Its space consists of a reception area, three offices and an open space organized in a hot desk system, a call room, as well as a kitchen and a toilet. For the time being, the company will use the conference rooms available in the office building and all of its public infrastructure.

The building has a great and forward-looking location – the center of the city (Downtown), along with direct public transportation and extensive accompanying infrastructure (including: nearby hotels) – access to a wide parking base, full facilities for cyclists and a multifunctional retail and service complex, facilitating everyday functioning – a kindergarten and nursery, a fitness center, food outlets and a leisure zone. In the case of DL Tower, it is also worth mentioning the excellent technical specifications of the property itself – meeting the highest standards and ensuring the safety and continuity of its tenants.


Już od jakiegoś czasu szukaliśmy możliwości rozbudowania powierzchni Katowickiej siedziby. DL Tower odpowiedział na nasze oczekiwania, dając nam nie tylko biuro, którego potrzebujemy teraz, ale również możliwość myślenia o dalszym rozwoju. Z każdym rokiem działalność TPA Poland nabiera większego tempa, co przekłada się na wzrost liczby pracowników, ale też konieczność zapewnienia im odpowiedniego miejsca do pracy. Zatrudnienie w całej naszej grupie wzrosło w 2023 r. niemal o 10%, a na samym Górnym Śląsku podwoiło się. Nowe, większe biuro jest naturalną konsekwencją naszego ciągłego rozwoju i mamy nadzieję, że w kolejnych miesiącach będziemy wręcz zmuszeni do zwiększania powierzchni naszych biur i to pomimo sporej części pracowników świadczących pracę zdalną w formule hybrydowej, która bardzo dobrze funkcjonuje w naszej firmie – podkreśla Krzysztof Kaczmarek, Partner Zarządzający w TPA Poland/Baker Tilly TPA.  


TPA Poland in Katowice

TPA Poland has been in business for 20 years, while its presence in Katowice began in 2013 in Stara Huta. The company’s first office in the capital of Upper Silesia was located on Staromiejska Street. Then, in August 2018, the office was relocated to 188H Walenty Rodzienskiego Avenue to increase its space in DL Tower Katowice after more than 5 years.

Since the beginning of the company’s operations in Upper Silesia, a total of nearly 70 employees have used its offices in the region’s capital.

TPA Poland’s office in Katowice is responsible for serving clients from southern Poland, but also for carrying out projects carried out for investors from different countries, as well as different industries.

When making the current change related to the office in Upper Silesia, we were primarily concerned to ensure the comfort of our employees, and to give clients, whose number in southern Poland is constantly growing, the opportunity to quickly meet and discuss current business issues in a place with a very good location and the best standard available on the market. The office in DL Tower meets all these expectations and is the largest office we have occupied in Katowice over the past 10 years,” adds Krzysztof Kaczmarek.

The official opening of the office took place on February 1.